
About the Ranch
Bucksnort Trout Ranch, established in 1966 is the premier trout production facility in Tennessee. Located about an hour due west of downtown Nashville, the ranch is conveniently located right off I-40 at the mile 152 exit. The 62 acre property boasts beautiful views of crystal clear Sugar Creek, stunning rock formations along the rustic mile long gravel access to the facility, and one of the most enjoyable and affordable family fishing experiences you will find anywhere.
While the primary focus of the facility is to provide your family with a fantastic fishing experience, we also offer services such as pond stocking, and wholesale trout available for local delivery. We can also facilitate shipments of trout on special request.
Bucksnort has played host to some of Nashville’s biggest names over the years, and owner Jim Anderson is constantly amazed at how often he hears “We used to fish there all the time when we were kids”. Nothing makes us happier than to know a whole new generation of kids will be creating lifetime memories here at Bucksnort.
If you have any questions about any of the services Bucksnort Trout Ranch offers, please call Jim at (615) 920-3183.
History of the Ranch
For hundreds of years mother nature has supplied the property at the Bucksnort Trout Ranch with a unique and valuable resource – about 2.5 million gallons a day of pure cold spring water. This is the lifeblood that makes the entire Bucksnort operation possible.
In 2016 Bucksnort Trout Ranch celebrates 50 years of operation. The main facilities at Bucksnort were built about the same time that Interstate 40 was being constructed just f few yards away. Several owners have had the pleasure of managing the facility over the decades, some with the intent of selling large volumes of trout into Middle Tennessee fish markets and restaurants, some to provide a place for people to come spend an afternoon creating family memories, and some just to have a place for their own family to enjoy.
In September of 2016 the latest owner, Jim Anderson took possession of the facility with the intent of making Bucksnort a premier family destination in the greater Nashville area. Jim and his family have many plans for improvements to the facility over the coming months and hope that you will continue to enjoy the family experience and atmosphere of Bucksnort Trout Ranch.
Services Offered
- Fishing for Rainbow Trout in our stocked ponds and raceways
- Fishing equipment for rent
- Cleaning and fileting of the fish you catch
- Trout Filets by the pound
- Pond Stocking
- Whole Trout to restaurants or fish markets
So just where did the name Bucksnort come from anyway?
There have been several theories on this over the years, but the one we are going with goes something like this:The spring water in the Bucksnort area used to have value for something other than raising trout. Back in the early days of Middle Tennessee history, this area was known for some of the finest moonshine in the South. In those days, a sip of moonshine was often referred to as a “snort” and legend has it that the best moonshine in the area was produced by a local by the name of Buck. The natural result was that when traveling to this area, you were coming for a snort of Buck’s fine moonshine, or as it became known over time, a Buck snort. Eventually the answer to the question “Hey Bubba, where you going tonignt?” got shortened from “to get a Buck snort” to simply “to Bucksnort”, and one of the most colorful place names in America was born.